Guidelines for “Science News” Reports
This section consists of reports on the latest findings or new research directions in any of the scientific disciplines across campus. The intention is to provide readers with an informative account of current research taking place in departments other than their own.
The content of the reports is flexible. Students may write about their participation in the summer research programs here or elsewhere or other short-term research activities in which their role was limited to a small piece of a larger project.
Students may wish to highlight the following:
- how they got involved in the research
- the role or background of other participants
- the question and purpose of the research
- what problems are left unsolved
- directions for further inquiry
Students who have not completed a research experience can consider interviewing a faculty member involved in significant research. The structure and content of the report should be similar to the one outlined above.
The flexibility of the report allows the student to gather the core information in informing other students of research highlights and opportunities taking place at NC State.