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Show Your Work

OUR supports and provides multiple opportunities for students to present their research and creative inquiry projects. Presenting your work at symposiums and conferences provides students with the opportunity to build skills in communication, visual presentation, and professional networking. Students are encouraged to present their work in multiple venues, including both on- and off-campus.

In addition to those listed below, speak with your mentor or the OUR about disciplinary conferences or other conferences. We encourage you to join the OUR Google group to receive notifications about opportunities.

Thinking about publishing? Speak with your mentor about disciplinary journals, view this site, or speak with the OUR.

In addition to financially supporting students to attend the events listed above, OUR offers travel funds for students to present at disciplinary conferences. Students can apply for up to $700 annually. Take a look at our Travel Awards page for more information and to apply.

Additional Conferences for Consideration (Fall 2023)

  • The Black Doctoral Network invites poster submissions for the Undergraduate Research Poster Competition during the October 19-21, 2023 conference. Find guidelines and submit here by August 25, 2023.
  • Rice University Gulf Coast Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held on October 21-22, 2023. Find more information and apply by September 10, 2023 on the GCURS site.
  • The Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for Undergraduate Research (MARCUS) will be held on November 4, 2023 at Randolph College. Submissions are due by October 6, 2023.
  • The Richard Macksey National Undergraduate Humanities Research Symposium will take place at Johns Hopkins University March 21-23. Abstract submissions are due by December 8.