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OUR Federal Work-Study Research Assistant Positions

The Office of Undergraduate Research through the Division of Academic and Student Affairs provides undergraduate research positions through the Federal Work-Study program up to the maximum of the student’s FWS award during an academic year.

You do not have to apply for a specific job, with a specific mentor, etc. You can apply and the OUR will try its best to match you with a mentor/job. If you have a mentor, please indicate who they are when applying.

Note: FWS is one option for a research assistant position or for becoming involved with research. There are a variety of opportunities, and we encourage you to come speak with the OUR about what might work for you!

Federal Work-Study Research Assistant Program

Must have a FWS Award through Financial Aid to be eligible to apply.
AY24-25 applications will open in early August.

Brief Overview


  • Students MUST be eligible for Federal Work-Study.
  • Students MUST be undergraduates enrolled in at least six credit hours.
  • The hiring process must be completed in order to receive the FWS award funding.
  • Students must have a faculty mentor or expert in the research area to serve as their mentor.
  • The student is required to present at the NC State Spring Symposium. Your work can be a work in progress.
  • The student is required to complete a professional development activity each semester.
  • The student will complete a final survey.
  • Students may not receive an OUR research award during the same time as working as an OUR FWS RA.
  • Students must use the online application [link below].

Brief Details

  • Students can apply without a mentor in mind/already agreed upon mentor.
    • Having a mentor who has agreed to work with you facilitates the process and provides a higher chance of receiving a position.
  • The Federal Work-Study financial aid award is not a lump sum award. It is a paid hourly position.
  • Positions are typically valued at $1,500 – $2,000 per academic year.
  • New hires are paid at $14 per hour, returning OUR FWS RA’s are paid at $15 per hour (effective Fall 2023).
  • Students work on average 5-10 hours per week.
  • The WolfTime web-based time clock is used by students to clock in and out for hours worked.
  • Students will use Moodle Projects to access program information and requirements after being hired.
  • A contract will be required that details the specific expectations and be signed by the student and mentor.
  • Positions are available for Fall-Spring and Spring only.
  • All positions terminate at the end of the Spring semester and students wishing to continue must reapply the following Fall.
    • The final day of work is the last day of classes in the hired semester.

Please email any questions you have to the office at

The OUR uses a general job listing that is meant to encompass all colleges and disciplines for its posting within the Federal Work-Study Job site found in the MyPack Portal.


This program was started in the Fall of 2017 with 21 Research Assistant positions being created and expanded to over 80 positions in 2020-21 with faculty mentors spanning nine colleges at NC State University.

The goal of the program is to provide students with a work-study position that allows the student to earn money through an enhanced work experience by learning about and conducting research with a faculty mentor.

Students take part in a textiles design studio class on Centennial Campus.
Students take part in a textiles design studio class on Centennial Campus. Photo by Marc Hall