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Fast Facts

The Office of Undergraduate Research (OUR) works to support and promote discovery-, inquiry-, scholarship and creativity-based opportunities through mentored research experiences.

How We Achieve Our Mission

The Office of Undergraduate Research assists students and mentors by:

  • connecting one another with exciting research opportunities
  • awarding research funds
  • hosting research exploration events
  • reducing barriers for participation in research
  • providing opportunities to communicate research to others through multiple research symposiums, a research journal, and funding to intern/national conferences to present their research


Dr. George T Barthalmus, Undergraduate Academic Program. PHOTO BY ROGER WINSTEAD

In 2003, Dr. James Anderson and Dr. Jo Allen, who had been subsequent Vice Provosts for Undergraduate Affairs, secured the financial support for a new Office of Undergraduate Research. Undergraduate research had always happened at NC State but was not previously organized under an office designed to serve students and mentors. Dr. George Barthalmus, who had previously served as the Associate Dean for Academic Programs in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and the Interim Director of the University Honors Program, was hired as a half-time employee and served as the first director for the office. Three years later, the office expanded to include a full-time Associate Director. In 2012, after the death of Dr. Barthalmus, Dr. Chris Ashwell, Professor of Animal Genomics in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, became the second director.

Originally housed in Park Shops, the Office of Undergraduate Research moved to DH Hill Jr. Library in 2020 after significant renovations. The move brought new partnerships and opportunities to expand undergraduate research at NC State.

By the numbers


Awarded to students in 2023-2024 working on research and creative activities through research awards and research assistant programs


Students were selected to present at the 2024 National Conference on Undergraduate Research


Students presented at the 2023 State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS)


Project Supply Grants and OUR Research Assistant positions were awarded to students in 2023-2024


Students were enrolled in the OUR Federal Work-Study Research Assistant and Provost Professional Experience Research Assistant programs in 2023-2024


Student presented at the 2023 World Congress on Undergraduate Research


Students presented oral and poster presentations at the 2024 Spring NC State Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium


Students served their peers as OUR Ambassadors in 2023-2024


  • 3 professional team members
  • 6 student ambassadors

Annual Events and Conferences

  • Sidewalk Symposium
  • Undergraduate Research Slam
  • NC State Spring Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium
  • NC State Summer Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium
  • Summer Research Workshop Series
  • State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research & Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS)
  • National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR)
  • World Congress on Undergraduate Research (WCUR)
  • Posters on the Hill
  • ACC Meeting of the Minds
  • Research-related Professional Development Seminars


Dr. Janet Goins

Phone: 919.513.3414
Location: 2425 DH Hill Jr. Library